< Home | Resources
- Google Group: Get Grape help here.
- Anatomy of a Ruby Gem: Grape: A screencast digging through the internals of Grape.
- The Grapes of Rapid: RubyConf 2010 presentation about Grape and slides.
- API Authentication w/ Devise: A tutorial on how to use Grape with Devise/Warden authentication.
- RESTful APIs with Grape: NYC.rb presentation about Grape in 2011.
- From Zero to API Cache in 10 Minutes: a 10-minute talk at GoRuCo 2012 about API caching with Grape.
- OAuth2: Protect Grape API with Doorkeeper: a tutorial for protecting a Grape API with OAuth 2 protocol using Doorkeeper and Ruby on Rails with a working sample.
- API Heaven with Grape and Swagger.